Animis of Seraph

Originally posted here
Un’Goro crater is a deadly place, but ya know, dat jungle an’ all de lizards, well, dey make my Lizzie feel right a’ home. But still, it be a dangerous place.
Dis gnome lose his mecha-gorilla in some cave, an’ I start ta see if I can help him find it.
Well, I been seein’ corpses around dat I did not corpsify, so I know dere was someone in da crater wit me, an’ I know no Horde was dere, so I know it be Alliance.
When I get to da cave, I see dat Alliance was dis warrior, Animis of Seraph. He ready for battle, an’ I a little wary, since Seraph kill me every time dey see me, an’ I thinkin’ dat Animis would see me an’ continue da Seraph-Killin’-Kanda career.
But instead, he motion me closer, an’ I not know what he want. I be in shadowform an’ bubble an’ fear an’ all sort of tings ready if dis go wrong, but instead he point at me and den a gorilla, and so I tink, okay, an’ I kill it. An’ dis goes on for awhile until he get two gorilla on him an’ I want ta save him but a shot go astray an’ I kill him.
I was mortified. It be true dere little love b’tween humies an’ trolls, but dat not mean dere be hostility between Kanda an’ Animis.
He come back an’ I apologize an’ plead, though I ready for battle now in case he take dis da wrong way. But instead he kneel down an’ draw a mecha-gorilla in da dirt, an’ I know we both be tasked wit retrievin’ dis by da same gnome. I guess he not tink one or da udder of us could do dis witout help. I tink he should have say, hey, I just talk to dis Humie, ya might see him dere, but I guess da gnome was tinkin’ gnome thoughts an’ forgot ta say dat.
So in we go, and aftah danger an’ adventure we get dere, an’ we see dat da mithril casin’ has come off and is damaged. I won’t say just what dat casing was encasing cuz dere may be children readin’ dis, but I can say her “boyfriend” gorilla be lookin’ mighty surprised an’ in some pain before me an’ Animis put him out of his misery.
We both check our bags, but no mithril casing had crawled its way in dere. I later send letter to da orc engineer Baelogh askin’ him about one an’ he say he can make one, but dere be no delivery lizard comin’ to dat cage. Animis shake his head sadly an’ I know we must each part an’ look to acquire dis item.
Still, though we may find ourselfs at opposite ends of da battlefield someday, it was kind of Animis, almost trollish of him, to propose a truce fo’ our common good.