Just finished bringing up a stub for the Prophetic Fate message board. After seeing the crappy guild websites for the two WoW guilds I have been in that had web sites, I volunteered to do something better for Prophetic Fate.
Um, steady readers will remember I predicted my previous guild, The Compendium, would fail, and it did. I’m not paying $$$ to get a domain for PF until I am sure it’s not headed for the recycle bin.
I haven’t even skinned this blog yet Well, still considering a move to other software. But you know, I feel really comfortable with this. It isn’t flashy, but it works.
I STILL have to finish the new CE news!!!!!!
PF isn’t the only guild I am involved with on WoW. My gnome rogue Tipa was in a guild, Crimson Empire, chosen largely because of the initials But since I rarely play Alliance, she was ignored. I was playing around on the KT forums and proposed a new guild idea, Snacks for the Horde.
Last night, Snacks for the Horde became a reality. I want to do something with that at some point.