Slashdot and Intelligent Design

I had some mod points to spend on Slashdot, so after reading CmdrTaco’s frustration at recent flames and stern instructions to moderators, I resolved to do my best to keep topics on-topic today.
Figures that the next article to come up would be one claiming recent research into bee flight put the nail into intelligent design.
Now, I both believe in God and think ID is bunk. ID people have the central tenet, as far as I can tell, that we are the final, most perfect of God’s creations, and that all else was put here to serve us. This is, after all, more or less said in Genesis.
But we know that’s not true. We can look back and see how we have changed, and look at ourselves and see the imperfect creatures we are, both in body and mind, and know we have a long way to go. We bickering, squabbling, sick people can’t be the shining pinnacle and goal of creation.
I read all 139 pages of the Dover ruling against ID and there is a lot of sound thinking there. His basic arguments are, once you let the supernatural into the argument in any way, you no longer need science to explain it – you have your answer – and so by definition, belief in a supernatural power guiding evolution is not science (and shouldn’t be taught as such in schools).
It takes no stand on whether or not there is an ‘intelligent designer’ – and neither does evolution – just that using that designer as the basis of your science means it isn’t science.
Anyway. I moderated that discussion. I modded up one person with something useful to say, and I modded down two people whose ignorance just went too far. Saying evolution has been disproven time and again, when in fact, it is the prevailing model in biology today precisely because it is currently the best tool we have to explain what we see around us.
Well, the deed is done; I have used mod points to promote my own point of view, which is against the mod rules. When I am meta-moderated, I may lose mod privs.
But I have to do what I have to do.
Now playing: Cars, Gary Numan