A Trip to Darnassus

I’m building up my leatherworking and I need LOTS of leather. Wetlands seemed like a good place, so I went to the excavation site and decided to thin the raptor population. Sometimes a night elf would come up to me and say something. It took me awhile, but I finally realized from the way they were pointing out of the excavation while looking at me, that they were inviting me back to their home city.
How generous! I know that I have said some mean things about night elfs in the past, and it is nice to see them start righting their wrongs.
I guess Menethil hadn’t been informed about my visit, so I had to sneak around the back way. Gleeful elfs and a dwarf dived into the water to greet me. When the boat arrived, a few mind soothes and I was aboard. I just wanted to save the sentries some time.
The ride to Auberdine was uneventful. While disembarking, the Auberdine sentries decided to throw me an impromptu party, and I am kinda shy, so I just jumped off and swam a bit in the warm waters.
I walked up to the Inn, but – I swear – a sentry appeared from nothing and demanded to see my best magic! So I showed her all my best spells, and she went away.
But so much time wasted that the ship to Darnassus had arrived! I ran through the Inn to the docks, with every sentry clearing the way for me. I just barely made it to the ship on time! It pulled right away as I stepped aboard. Thanks for waiting, Captain!
Two fellow travelers, perhaps hearing of the demonstration back in Auberdine, demanded to see my magic as well. That was so sweet of them! The first one to approach me got sleepy all of a sudden. The druid that had changed to bear form to be more cuddly, got so excited that he jumped off the ship before I could get to my best magics.
Finally arriving at that small village by the base of the world tree, I mounted Lizzie and ambled up to the rosy glow place, sentries clearing the way for me.
I popped right into Darnassus!
Well, after all that traveling, I decided to take a short swim to cool off. Two night elfs met me down there, and insisted I demonstrate my magic to them. I tried to say no, but they were begging, so I did. I didn’t get to my finale, the Mind Control Down The Waterfall To The Ground Five Kilometers Below trick, because they fell asleep.
I guess I am not a very exciting magician.
I ambled out of Darnassus to the cheers and excited shouts of the sentries, but along the way I found NO services, no tour buses, the vendors refused to do business with me… Elfs, I am more than happy to visit your capital, but what when I get there? At least have people who know my language! VERY unprofessional.
I decided to seek better accomodations in the Night Elf village further down.
Now let me tell you about this paladin. She kept trying to KILL me! I can tell SHE hadn’t talked to the Tourism Bureau! It’s people like her that keep Horde tourism from becoming popular, and you really ought to do something about that if you ever want to see more trolls in the world tree.
Eventually she became bored with stepping in Lizzie’s droppings, and went away just as I came to the heavily protected area where new druids, priests, warriors and hunters learn the basics of their professions.
Lizzie bore me through with no trouble, but from the hostile stares, I knew that maybe this area was off-limits to tourists. I used my illusion trinket to appear as a dwarf hunter, and everyone was all giggles and smiles after that!
Eventually the illusion wore off, and as I was helping some untrained elfs dispatch their demon infestation, a warrior and a priest came by. I assumed they were guides to show me around, but wouldn’t you know it, they both just wanted magic demonstrations.
Eventually it was time to go, and so I left.
Darnassians, you have a pleasant land, but you are losing a lot of gold and visitors by making the trip so difficult! And all those magic demonstrations left me exhausted! I arrived back in Orgrimmar more tired than I left.
(( OOC – Although in my trip to the NE newbie grounds I sometimes was flagged, and though I did kill some people gray to me, I never killed anyone who did not attack me first.
My only death was when I left the newbie grounds. They hit harder on the way out than the way in! ))