Before I was the blue-skinned beauty I am today, I was pretty into EQ.
I played mostly shorties
Etha, second from right, a 66 druid, was my first EQ character. She joined United Norrath Coalition at 19, and grew to be the raid officer of that guild, back when the planes of Fear and Hate were endgame. I ran some of the first open planes raids on my server. That guild broke up during Velious, and I spent a couple months playing Dark Ages of Camelot, then came back just before Luclin. I joined the Euro guild Divine Grace, but I was frustrated over how poorly druids fared in EQ, and decided to change mains. SOE later boosted druids some, but it was too late for me. I left Etha with about 110 AAs (Alternate Advancement levels – in EQ, you never really stop leveling).
Two characters to the left is Tipa, my level 70 rogue. I joined Crimson Eternity with her once I reached 60, max level at the time. Not quite as progressed a guild as DG, they were still doing Velious when I joined. I played her as main until 2004, and her gear reflects the main change, stuck in Uqua/Qvic-level equipment. She has a little over 300 AAs.
Between Tipa and Etha is my last main, Brita, my 70 cleric (actually my third cleric – long story). SOE opened what would be their last no-transfer, start-from-scratch server, Stromm, in March of 2003. I jumped at the chance to start a character from scratch, without twinking or tweaking. Since I wasn’t working at the time, I played Brita in the mornings and nights on Stromm, and Tipa on Erollisi Marr in the afternoons. Eventually I played Brita full-time. When my Stromm guild (Viking Alliance, another Euro guild) broke up, I transferred her to Erollisi Marr and officially changed mains. Since Brita’s gear is fairly current, she has a mixture of equipment from Anguish, Vishimitar, and various encounters in Depths of Darkhollow. She also has about 470 AAs to her name. Note her shield – cleric epic 2.0.
At the far right is Tsuki v1.0, my first alt, a gnome mage. Her name NOW is Oyasumi… I transferred her from EMarr to Stromm to help Brita out, since before Dragons of Norrath, clerics sucked at soloing and I needed help. Her gear reflects what any level 65 alt would have; a mixture of elemental and OoW gear, largely gotten from groups and raids where I would two-box her and Brita. I made her at first because, as a druid at the time, I figured pet classes just had it so easy, so I wanted to try. Since I transferred Brita to EMarr, Tsuki (I mean, Oyasumi) has been left abandoned on Stromm.
To the far left is Tsuki v2.0, a necro. I made her to keep Tsuki v1.0’s name available when I transferred her off server, but she is fun to play, and solos easier than any character I have ever had. I can kill one monster myself while the rest of the group kills another. Standing in the rain in the Broodlands is no fun, not even for a gnome.
Lastly, to her left, is Nashuya N’Hamsha, my only tall character, 57 Shadow Knight. She and Kanda are related somehow. If Tsuki v1.0 was my first alt, Nashuya was my first twink, initially made because I was getting so much medium bronze armor in Nagafen’s Lair (Sol B), I made a twink to wear it. Along the way I gave her nicer and nicer stuff, all to make her look really good – she now wears WoS gear and some magnetic/ornate armor. She is my fashion plate. Imagine my horror when I met a dark-elf cleric with my colors. I was mortified.