Though in a couple of weeks, Nashuya could have been a Shadow Knight from level one, here and now, you still have to level to 20 before you learn the mysteries of pain and suffering. Perhaps best to lead up to it, to talk around the subject… to make someone beg for it. But gosh durn it, doesn’t she look cute in that anime gear. And people criticize the SOGA models!
Dina was out gathering resources, when she saw an unusual glint in a rock outcropping. Silver! NO idea what to do with it, but she knew it was rare, and as she asked around, she was told it should immediately be given to an alchemist; they would know.
Etha, alchemist, did not know. She missed alchemy class the day they were talking about tier 2 rares. So she added it to her mystery box, along with all the glowing stuff from which she had not found means to turn to extracts.
Nashuya and Slinka, out adventuring, through sheer happenstance, found some scraps of parchment that claimed to tell of alchemical secrets long hidden from halflings. And it just happened to contain the very lore dealing with the alchemical transformation of silver to powerful essences of fighter abilities at the Adept III level. Nashuya received a very powerful technique – an AE DD – from that chunk of ore.
Etha’s alchemical abilities must now keep pace with Nashuya’s shadow powers. The ability to two-box depends heavily on having the best gear and spells available, and it’s certain Dina’s thin pocketbook won’t be able to finance it when the economy is so broken that people no longer think much of a plat or two, when Dina’s entire savings consist of 46 gold pieces and a smattering of silver coins.
So what we cannot buy, we must make. Nashuya got most of her new gear from the broker. The orange bp was a FABLED drop from a level 8 named in the Sprawl, and should do until she finishes her armor quests (she cannot start until Slinka reaches 20, as Inquisitors wear the same heavy armor Shadow Knights do).
Slinka’s gear and spell, not to mention level, have NOT kept pace with Nashuya’s. Her gear is the best leather gear Dina could make without rares (done quickly, as Dina is a tailor), but Etha was far too focused on making Nashuya’s spells (again, easily, as this was an alchemist’s baliwick). Etha now needs to go back and work on Slinka’s spells, while Dina harvests for the tier 3 materials necessary for both of them as they leave their teens. At which point, Dina’s skills become useless, and Etha is only able to make Nashuya’s spells; Etha will have to finance everyone by making spells for others, but the increased drop rate for Adepts and Masters have nearly killed her profession.
Nashuya is a craftsman, which was a mistake. Slinka is undecided; perhaps she could be an armorcrafter. You need maybe two weapons, but you need seven pieces of armor. Too bad heavy armor is such a crafting chore.
Long ago, Nashuya was just Dina’s merchant; standing around day after day, selling stuff to people who came by, or through the broker. Now, she leads.
5 thoughts on “Nashuya – Shadow Knight”
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You are going to make me play EQ2 with all your wonderful stories
<cough> What about Noffin? <cough> /snicker
You want my account info? YOU level him.
Actually, Live Update 19 changes the starting experience for new characters. So instead of having to level him up to 20 to wear chain, he should be able to wear it much earlier. We'll see.
It's still not going to be dark; they haven't quite grokked the concept of armor dying in EQ2. So I might have to do some tinting in Photoshop. Which I have working under Linux now!
Actually I just wanted to see myself
After the Live Update last night, I leveled you up a bit. I'll get Dina to make some nice-looking armor tonight.