Everquest 2 BLISS!

Last night, I was just gathering tier 3 resources in Thundering Steppes to prepare for Etha and Dina blazing through their twenties in their respective tradeskills. As mentioned before, when I’m not doing much, I participate in the Faydark community channel, “Heritage” (ostensibly for coordinating heritage quests).
And… they mention that SOE is consolidating servers. Faydark, mine, would be merged with Befallen, which by some wild coincidence is the server my son plays on. This follows the bizarre coincidence of Morrel-Thule, my EQ1 guide server, merging with Erollisi Marr, my play server.
Anyway, that’s pretty cool. I can join my son’s guild in some form (I don’t want to give up the Immortals guild privileges, so Dina cannot leave that guild).
But the COOLEST THING IN THE GAME IS: They are opening up character transfers from ALL other servers (and TO all servers except Antonia Bayle). So, Tipa and Verd will come from Lavastorm. Dera from Antonia Bayle. And Dina, Nashuya, Slinka and Etha from Faydark.
All my characters will be, at last, in one place. And Nashuya will get *****DERA***** as a sidekick instead of poor, bewhiskered Slinka, who will, alas, slink off to bitblivion. Sorry, Slinka… Halfling Inquisitors > Ratonga Inquisitors. Nashuya should be to Dera’s level (25) by the time of the great character move, Feb 2. And then they can mess up Nektulos some. Maybe get Nashuya’s quest armor – Dera has all hers. So do Tipa and Verd and Dina (who outgrew hers long ago).
I am soo excited by this.