“Whatever is said in Latin, sounds profound”
This little list of common phrases written in Latin to make you sound smart is precious
But that’s not the exciting news. Today I found out that my new apartment application has been approved, and I will be moving to sunny San Marcos from the distant Escondido February 17th. This will put me about four and a half miles from work with NO Route 78 stretches.
I was just handed the proof photos for the new Haven Girl brochure. I get to turn them into a form ready for the printers. This is the most fun part of my job; and like nearly all the fun parts, wasn’t part of the job description BUT! I claimed it as my own (just like the web site).
I’ll post the completed bit when I am done. (Here it is)
Vah! Denuone latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur
Oh, was I speaking Latin again? I’m sorry. Sometimes it just sorta slips out.
Ita erat quando hic adveni.
It was that way when I got here.