EQ2: Before the Merge

I bought the second season of Battlestar Galactica and have to wonder… if the breakaway portion of the Fleet truly wants to save humanity, why are they leading the Cylons straight to Earth? They should lead them somewhere else…
It’s been nineteen hours and Befallen – or rather, Befallen/Faydark or FayFallen or whatever the new server is called. Well, probably it will just be Befallen, and Faydark will fade away.
Faydark was to be the Euro-preferred server. That’s why my EQ1 Stromm guild, Viking Alliance – a Euro guild – moved there… and why I had to restart on Faydark from Antonica Bayle. It didn’t work out, they returned to Stromm, and I to Erollisi Marr. I had characters scattered across servers, and now they are back together.

I haven’t played a tank since Nina, my little warrior, back on EQ1. She… I… was an awful warrior. When it came down to two-boxing on EQ2, though, a bard and a shaman just didn’t work out too well. So I had the monk/druid team of Tipa and now I have the sk/cleric team of Nashuya and Dera.
Fallen Gate has always been my favorite EQ2 dungeon. When I first betrayed, with Dera, and we went here… and the message came up saying I had discovered First Gate… it hit me… this was Neriak. That dark city was now a tomb. And it was halflings that drove the Thexians to seal themselves into another plane and displaced all the rest of the inkies to Freeport.
Which is probably why Dera is glaring at Nashuya like that. We joined the guild Eternal Carnage. Why? Because they asked NASH to join – oh, along with her cleric. Would they have asked her if there were no cleric following her around, who knows.
A lot of people aren’t really clear on the whole two-box thing; I use two computers, side by side, with the second computer not set up to be very pretty or playable, but so I can hit the keys I need to hit without looking. That doesn’t stop people from trying to talk to her and I don’t really feel like explaining it all the time.
So. Once upon a time, before Luclin exploded, there was a happy halfling lass named Dera, who wandered a little too far from Rivervale. Right into Nashuya’s nefarious clutches. She has since grown up knowing only the rule of Lucan D’Lere and the rites of an Inquisitor in his service – as communicated to her through her Mistress.
So accustomed to having gold farmers link me stuff they want to sell me on WoW, I almost put someone off with “my Mistress won’t allow me to have nice things,” and nearly missed out on a Master spell from a guildie.
Explaining these kinds of things to people takes more time than just saying, “I’m two-boxing. IS THAT OKAY WITH YOU?”
It’s true about not allowing her nice things, though. Her spells are all app 2 because I can’t make them myself and am too cheap to buy them from a Sage. And just guess who gets all the swank armor upgrades? Hint: It’s the tall one. Tall-er one.
I love how stuff just grows and shrinks at need. I guess that’s part of its MMO magic.

Like that bloodstained robe I looted from a Thexian wizard in Fallen Gate. Looks a lot better on Etha, though. I don’t spend enough time talking about my wonderful support crew. Etha has been a super trooper. She didn’t want to come to Freeport with Dina. She was perfectly happy in Baubbleshire. But Dina wanted to go and she couldn’t do it alone so off she went. She’s happy to stay in the labs and work on her alchemy while the others soldier on.