Yes, I still play WoW
We had a wonderful turnout at our first Molten Core run last Saturday, with guests accompanying us to fill out the raid. Things went very, very well for a first time in an end-game dungeon… but over half those attending had done this many times on other characters.
Well, it was a first time for me, anyway.
We side-stepped a number of wipes through trollish skill (we trolls really carry the Horde… it’s true…) and soon came to the first boss, Lucifron. He’s a big sweety, but apparently they had fiddled with his AE so our uber strats needed some adjustments.
What kills you makes you stronger. Here’s Luci about to make a fresh batch of Kanda Krunchies. If only the healers had been healing instead of taking snapshote…
Oh well. We learned a lot. Though people had to leave before we could crush him, we know what to do next time – this coming weekend – and should be seeing reddish snakeskin boots adorning our Prosthetic Feet fairly soon.
Notice the alert for 5 seconds until Curse AE? It’s from a mandatory raiding Add-On called CT Raid. It has information about every end-game boss programmed in. The Add-On trivializes raiding to a large extent. Raiding on training wheels.
Vanguard, by the way, will explicitly not have this SWG/WoW level of macro functionality. Sorry, WoW players. You’re gonna have to learn to ride on your own.
Note: due to advances in technology, the original images have been replaced with High Definition (HD) versions – ie, they have been brightened, enlarged, and had their tops and bottoms cropped to fit the HD format. Enjoy!