"The Golden Man"

The next movie based on a Philip K. Dick story is to be called… “Next”. I haven’t read this story (or don’t remember it), about a mutant product of a radioactive war who is gold-colored, sexually irresistable, impossible to kill and a Threat To Humanity.
I wonder how the presumeably soon-to-be-released animated “A Scanner Darkly” is coming along. I loved the book when I first read it, long ago, but couldn’t get through it on a recent re-reading.
The odds don’t look good for “Next”. Movies based on Dick’s works have rarely been brilliant.
Blade Runner. Hardly anything at all like the book (“Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep”); but a great movie. I love the movie, love the book… It’s a decent retelling of some of the book’s themes. They cut out his humdrum domestic, pathetic home life and made Deckard far more of a heroic action figure. But it’s a good movie.
Total Recall, based on the short story “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale”. Almost entirely unlike the short story. The movie was okay. The original story was a one-trick pony, but I suppose that’s why it was a short story.
Screamers, based on “Second Variety”. Somewhat the same as the short story. They tried to flesh it out somewhat. The original story was creepy; the movie wasn’t that great. The themes, though, pop up again and again. The new Battlestar Galactica series has that as one of its main themes – done very well.
“Paycheck”. Ally and I saw the previews for this, and immediately thought it must be based on Dick’s story. It was, but it dumbed the story down and gave it more action hero gloss. The device in the story was a time scoop; let you take things from the past or future. Which made the final bit in the book a lot of fun. Since the movie just had a time VIEWER, the bit with all the objects no longer made any sense. Also: Isn’t it handy that time viewers, or any viewer (like Star Trek – infamous example), always focus on print newspaper headlines? You’d think sooner or later, they’ll go to websites… Movie stunk. Story was fun.
Minority Report – bears little relation to the short story. Excellent movie, but it is so far removed from the story that it’s impossible to compare them. I didn’t really like the story… when it was written, I saw a lot of similar stories in the SF literature. The spectre of crime prevention by some SF-nal means or other (mind reading, future viewing, what not) as a means of writing about the loss of privacy in the name of the public good was a mainstay of the 70s. Fat lot good it did, given today’s assaults on freedom in the name of safety.

4 thoughts on “"The Golden Man"”

  1. Yay you are done moving…. Now get back in game so you can show me around. If you are on EQ let me know and I will make a guest apperance for the fans.

  2. Hit 60 yet? 🙂 I'm not done moving, unfortunately. I'm still bringing stuff from the old apartment. Didn't finish until past 9 last night (too late to play WoW, nobody is on that late), so I played GH and NWN – more NWN than GH, since my hands are still pretty sore from so much fake guitar playing. Have to go back to the old apartment again tonight for the kitchen stuff. And then there's my son's bedroom; he is refusing to help clean that up. I don't know what to do with it. Will take the entire weekend next weekend to clean. I hate having to finish this move without help. Stupid cat just sits there when I tell him to do his share. I haven't played any MMO since Thursday. I am sooooo far behind on WoW and EQ1; and I know I will have to devote many, many nights of doing nothing but LFG to get up to speed with either of them. I never did finish NWN. It's still pretty boring. That top-down view just distances me too much from what is happening.

  3. At least the cat isn't telling you to get him some milk while he is watching the game and you are getting his dinner ready. I mean it could be worse 🙂
    Put your sons stuff in a trash bag and drop it at his apt. I am sure his friends will find a good use for it if he doesn't care or seem to want it. But thats just me being the mean father type.
    Hope you get finished soon. I know what you mean about being behind on the games. I havent logged into my EQ account in forever and I dont know if I remember the password 🙁
    back to work i go

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