Adventures in Television

Unpacking is keeping me from MMO gaming, but television is new and exciting. I turned it on last night hoping to see “Mythbusters”. Everyone talks about it, I heard it would be on. I couldn’t find it. As I stepped slowly through the channels, looking for the logos on the bottom of the screen to tell me what network was on that channel, it occurred to me that there must be a great need for some sort of ‘guide’ for ‘TV’ that would tell you what was playing on various channels so you would know what was coming up.
Finally found some channel way up that had a scrolling TV schedule on it, and found I was just minutes from a new episode of “Lost”.
Pre-TV, it took a lot of people talking about a program before I ever heard about it; Lost was one of those. I bought the first season on DVD, loved it, and after that, got torrents of new episodes until my media computer blew up. By the time I got it fixed, most of the episodes I missed were no longer on torrent, so I just dropped it.
Was kinda disappointed to see the plot hadn’t progressed all that much in the past few months.
Afterward I fell asleep, woke up around midnight from a confusing dream of battleships and amusement parks, went back to sleep. Without MMOs to keep me awake, it’s hard to stay conscious.
I haven’t been that interested in politics since both Democrats and Republicans started sounding so similar. Listening to the news on the way into work and back home, though, there was one senator that was not afraid to chart his own course when every single other senator blindly marched to the Bush administration’s tune. Nowadays, with the Bush administration faltering, lots of Republican and Democrat senators are voicing their opinions… he was the only senator to vote against the liberty-threatening Patriot Act. He has broken from the Democrats to vote for or against things important to him.
I haven’t seen a politician who more closely articulates my own feelings on issues since Jimmy Carter. So, should Russ Feingold run in 2008, I’ll vote for him. Sorry, Mrs. Clinton. I don’t think you have a chance in the world at winning, should you run. As much as I am for a woman in the Oval Office, Hillary Clinton plays way too much to the crowd, and by trying to please everyone, will accomplish nothing.
Her stand against video games… well, she lost me right there.