Just a Quickie

I got a little sidetracked with two things I’m working on for this blog (“Music” and “A Day in the Life”), but I came across this article about FFXI fandom that I found very interesting. Not so much for FFXI, a game I enjoyed to the point of frustration, but what it says about all of us who play MMOs. A very good read.
Ways I Am Evil #56127
I was at Fry’s buying a hard drive for work. And OMG they had Guitar Hero set up! It’s a weird demo, without all the songs, so I’m just getting used to it and making a few mistakes when this young guy comes up… Pressure is on… I get through the Judas Priest song I’m on, do a Franz Ferdinand and offer him the controller. Pretty easy, eh? He takes it, completely loses it on White Zombie. I finish it up perfectly.
Couple of months ago, these teenage boys at Fry’s thought they were gonna challenge me to Dance Dance Revolution. They were even gonna let me do it on Easy. But no, no, lemme try it on the same level you play on.
Pwned them.
Challenge me to a game I DON’T own at home, sometime…
I also tried Donkey Kong bongo game while I was there. Quick reaction: it sucks. The song selection is bizarre; some soft rock, some Nintendo game songs (Pokemon theme, DK rap, Kirby Back Atcha, etc). But what bugged me more than the lightweight song selection was how unmusical the bongos were. They didn’t fit musically into the songs at all. Not impressed.
The Japanese taiko game I saw last year was much better.