Molten Core, Part 2: Coke or Pepsi?

This weekend, I joined millions of other people in the nation’s weekly Molten Core runs. But get a load of this…

Count the number of health bars I’m watching…
My group’s health bars, the health bars of the main tank group and the two offtank groups, a chart of the health of the ten unhealthiest people in the raid. Health of my target, health of the targets of all the tanks…. LOTS to watch…
EQ1… health bars of my group and my target.
Ah well. We fought two other guys…

We didn’t kill Majordomo, but we came close.
WoW is such a Pepsi experience. The new thing, the cool thing. EQ is totally Coke; the old sugar water, old, not cool, but still pretty popular. Apple is Pepsi. Sony is Coke. PvP is Pepsi. PvE is Coke.
Think about it!