Finished Onyxia Key!

I really don’t like key quests. They’re just an intentional roadblock to slow people down – very artificial. EverQuest was full of these artificial roadblocks, but since then, they’ve become enlightened; for most places, five fully-flagged people can get a sixth unflagged in free. And many times, they can get a bit in the raid that fully flags them, bypassing the need to do a quest series just for one or two people.
WoW doesn’t have that concept, but then again, WoW’s access quests are generally easier than EQ’s. No five difficult raids and then hope you get in a flagging group for Vule (EQ’s Demiplane access – not including the access quest for Dreadspire Keep to start with). Molten Core was just a run through BRD, and Blackwing Lair just a run through UBRS.
Onyxia, though, is kinda tedious. I was moving, and hence, not playing WoW much when the guild was working on their Onyxia keys, so I missed a lot of it. I’ve been scrambling the past couple of days to catch up. Very fortunate, I was, that there were people willing to do raids they didn’t need for themselves to help out.

The quest is in two parts. First, you have to bump off some monsters in LBRS for some orc in Kargath before he’ll introduce you to Rexxar, a creature (looks like a were-orc) that wanders through Desolace. Rexxar wants you to off Onyxia in the worst way, but to do so, you’re gonna have to convince the Blackflight dragons to give you access. See, THEY think you’re an up-and-coming dragonkin looking to be one of Onyxia’s guards (this requires a little bit of illusion, above).
To get THEIR trust, you have to play petty dragon politics and off rival blue, red and green dragons (like the one in Swamp of Sorrows, below).
Finished the key in four nights, which isn’t too bad. MC Saturday and Onyxia Sunday; looks like another weekend chained to my computer.
Sometimes, I remember back to when I was moving, and didn’t have time to raid… and could just play EQ2 casually….