Okay, so they DO look ugly

Looking back on my characters from around the time of the Velious expansion, I can see why people considered EQ1 a little hard on the eyes. I wonder if I can even remember who all these characters are…. some of them were on Fennin Ro, where I played with a couple of fellow Guides sometimes…
Front row – the shorties. Patience, my Fennin Ro cleric and currently a Bazaar mule on EMarr. She was still wearing that chain and bronze armor she bought from people killing dwarves in Butcherblock when I transferred her.
Tsuki, my mage and third character. She’s currently on Stromm; I transferred her there to help Dera (now Brita) solo. I’d like to bring her back to EMarr.
Etha, my druid and second character and first SERIOUS character. Luclin changed her looks quite a bit.
Nina, my warrior. Look at that FULL CRAFTED! Ooooh! Aaaaah!
Tipa, my rogue. Back before she got dual wield! She would become my next main after Etha, eventually.
Back row: Nashuya, my SK. I think that armor is that Wakening Lands SK armor. I spent hours and hours camping that stuff.
Mehve, Erudite wizard – and my FIRST EVER EQ CHARACTER! Erudin was a happenin’ place in those days. But you know, she was just TOO TALL.
Dulcet, Fennin Ro bard. My only male character. My role in groups was to pull, tank, dps, mana song, charm/mez adds, and piss off enchanters.
Some Fennin mage I do not remember…
And Prymat, whom I made first day Kunark came out. Can’t remember what class she was.
Yay for trips down memory lane!

2 thoughts on “Okay, so they DO look ugly”

  1. Heya Krask; Glad to hear you're doing okay. You're busy, I'm busy, but still we play these games. I have logged on to WoW a few times, briefly. But there just isn't anything new I can do that I haven't already done. Sure, plenty of places I have not yet raided, but I don't think I have the energy to join another raiding guild on WoW at the moment. I'll probably play seriously once more when the expansion is released; I plan to be one of the million bouncy blood elves and see where that goes. My email address is tipa–the-at-sign–westkarana.com – easy to remember!

  2. Hey,
    I am running around in wow still. I am playing on NE warrior named Damyon atm. I have a haffer rogued named Tubz and the warr named krask. I tried DDO. It's not a bad game really but that depends on how you judge it. The graphics are nice and I am trying to figure out the combat system. It is very simular to oblivion's combat system in that you can back away from a swinging oppenent to make him miss but when you move back into combat range they get the free attack as per D&D core rules. I made a warrior for my testing of the game and I can solo ok. Combat is more luck than skill at the lower levels of play an depending on your class is what you can or can not do. I dont mind dying so I solo. It seems over populated with asians and french people but i dont know for sure. Maybe its just the server I am playing on. It looks like it will become a very difficult game at the higher levels. Which intigues me to want to keep playing it a little bit. I am going to try to run it for the 30 days but it seems that the game is also a bandwidth hog. I get disconnected often and it occassionally shuts my computer down. That is somewhat odd since I have maximum cooling for my laptop atm. Short of putting it in a fridge anyway.
    How you been? I hope things are well and you are feeling much better. Yeah I lost your email so I am hitting the blog. With my new new job I didnt have much time for goofing off like I did previously but this is only for about 2-3 more months then I go back to teaching or more time to goof off.

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