Dress for Success

This morning while working on a report, the gal with whom I was working looked at another woman walking by with a doughnut and a Diet Coke. She couldn't believe that's what they were having for breakfast!
Since that's exactly what I was having for breakfast, I asked why she hadn't said the same about mine.
"Well, you're unique. I mean, we're all unique – but you're unique in a different way."
Okay, it's true. For someone who works at a boutique women's apparell factory, I definitely dress at a way lower level than anyone else here. I dress like a techie, not a model. And why not? That's what I do.
I get a little apprehensive when the COO calls me. Especially when she wanted to know if she could ask me a personal question. Turns out the owner of the company wants to design a new line of dresses, and wanted all the women in the company to go out this weekend and buy a dress at her expense, to get an idea of what is appealing to people.
I'm not sure when I last wore a dress. I used to wear dresses to church, but eventually stopped. It's been years.
I know that whatever I pick out is likely to be as nondescript and dull as what I usually wear.