Undressed to Kill

For a gaming blog, I sure don’t manage to write that much about gaming…
I wrote Friday about how the COO of the company was asked by the owner to give each woman employee a hundred dollars to buy dresses to get ideas for a new dress line.
I never wear dresses, but when the COO called, I said I’d do it!
But… I couldn’t. I wanted to, but each dress I saw just pointed out that I don’t look good in dresses. I returned the money this morning. But nearly everyone DID get one (or more) dresses for that money, so at the morning meeting, we collectively looked a lot more Fifth Avenue than normal.
All wasn’t lost; I picked up some more jeans and summer tops to prepare for flying to the Big Heat this summer. If I don’t buy them now, I won’t be able to then; it’ll be all fall fashions in August (and here at Surya, we’re shipping fall and working on holiday).
I also retired my comfortable old Birks for a cheap pair of Birk-compatibles. The new ones have no back-strap, so my feet and the sandals are in constant negotiations over where I really want to go. My left sandal in particular wants to go explore the wide world – WITH ME or WITHOUT ME.
I would just have gotten new Birkenstocks if Andy and I could have found the stupid store in Carlsbad that supposedly sells them. Two times we went out (while shopping) to find it… nada… we had that store pinned, but it got away.
Heard there’s one in Poway, though.