has an interview with an EQ producer about the new progression server. There's more talk about what players might expect when they join, and they announce a second progression server, The Sleeper, to launch alongside The Combine.
I've been sitting on the fence about restarting on the progression servers. I already restarted on a new server once, with my EQ1 cleric Dera on the last no-transfer server, Stromm. And I had a really good time – but I could spend the time online to keep pace with the pack.
I no longer can.
Plus, I'm having a lot of fun on EQ2 at the moment. It's casual gaming, I can have fun playing alts and sticking my big haffer feet into bits of the world few seek out, and even occasionally raid – but not so much that I have to bend my life around it, or give up EQ1.
I'd have to give up EQ2 and a possible return to WoW at some point in order to do the progression servers right. I was a very casual player first time around; I didn't go hardcore until after Luclin, even though I subscribed to the game soon after launch. On Stromm, I was hardcore from the start. I don't know if I can summon up that kind of dedication once more, especially with the handicap Pacific Time players have on a server with competition for mobs.
Fact is, in old EQ, I spent days sitting in small, windowless rooms in Lower Guk and Sol B, grinding levels and fighting over bronze armor. That part wasn't that much fun. The only compelling reason I have to restart would be the prospect of being part of the first guild to kill Naggy and Vox and Trak and all them; to be uber – I have never been in an uber guild, and always wanted a taste of being number one without having to make compromises. I need time to have a life and time to just do things for fun, as well. And I do love my alts.
Though I love raiding and having the cool gear, I'm a casual player at heart. I like variety. I'll grind a few levels on one char, work on an alt a little, maybe two-box some older content…
That's what I love about EQ2. I am so far behind the bleeding edge that nobody cares what I do, but I have plenty of opportunity to group and raid when I like.
I guess what I'm saying is that I'll probably look at the progression server, but I doubt I'll stay. It's advertised for casual, new players, and it may attract some – but the kudos will go to the hardcore raiders.
And if it's anything like Stromm, the cream of the crop will be hardcore cheaters with no ethics or morals other than – get ahead.
4 thoughts on “Progression Server Update”
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You're telling me that you're not going to log on just to fall off the Kelethin platforms? Or yell 'WTS Bronze at T1!" in ECom? Or make the run from Freeport to Qeynos because no one can port yet?
I know I'm going to at least stand in front of the WFreeport gates and 'SoW4plat' just to relive that cherished memory. Then I'll never go back.
Silverfur, they will have the new Freeport model. It's too ugly to stand near.
/autofollow Etha
I saw that one on Aggro and thought of you