Down… er… Up With Pooterism!

Whilst perusing (it’s important to use Britlish when talking about) the BBC NEWS website, I read an article about blogging; in particular their own blog. Down With Blogs! they screamed. Including their own. But what was this mention of something called “Pooterism”?

Journalists have their own takes on blogs – broadcaster Mark Lawson, for one, says that “although the word blog suggests attitude and subversion, it’s really just a hi-tech kind of diary and carries the identical risk of Pooterism”.

Went to Google, typed “define Pooterism”, and it eventually led me to Wikipedia’s entry on The Diary of a Nobody.
Pooterism, you see, is the publishing publically of the details of your life, even though nobody really cares. That’s blogging in a nutshell! Well, the type of blogs, like this one, which isn’t just made of pointers to news stories… well, as this article is. From the forward to the “Diary of a Nobody”…

Why should I not publish my diary? I have often seen reminiscences of people I have never even heard of, and I fail to see