Live Update 25 Tailoring

And the subtitle for this story is, “Why Halflings Don’t Wear Dresses”.
My son is making a killing selling Tier 4 harvested crafting items on the broker. He buys up anything selling for less than a gold, then resells it for 2-3 gold – each. And so it was that all the feyiron and hides and roots he was saving for me disappeared. The new crafting updates for Live Update 25 has made a boom market for those selling harvests.
My guild leader gifted me with a set of Xegonite Melodic Chainmail when I turned 62, so I didn’t have a driving need to continue with Dera’s armor craftery. However, my need for troubador skills – I can’t find half my songs and combat arts on the broker at any price or any condition – and my need for better resist jewelry – has made getting Dorah’s jewelcraft up all that more necessary. I was planning on just breezing through Tier 4 with Andy’s harvests. I have a TON of stuff for Tiers 5 and 6. But, people are paying outrageous amounts for common harvests, so I suppose I can’t blame him.
Anyway, was out harvesting for Dorah (jeweler) but got the notion to use the harvests instead to make some of the new dresses… Well, the results of the first two I made are above. They take enormous amounts of raw material, and look quite ugly on a halfling. I just don’t get that cutaway skirt. Can’t they just make an honest dress?
Tossed them on the broker for a gold each, but I’d be surprised if they sell. On the plus side, they can be worn at level 1 and don’t need to be attuned (they have no stats).
Used up all the roots that were to go to Dorah’s jewelcraft, too.
I’d love to see what the new sales box for tailors looks like, but my carpenter friend didn’t have the correct recipe for the Tier 3 rare woods I had, and wasn’t skilled enough to use the Tier 5 rare woods I had. So I asked her to make me a jewelery box and a scroll stand for Dorah to sell her wares, and a regular sales box for me. Pictures to follow when I have them in my room.
Andy’s characters are no longer sharing my inn room. Mister Moneybags bought himself a swank pad in North Freeport with the ill-gotten money he made selling crafting components he was saving for me. He’s Lupin to my Pooter!