Who’d have thought a sleepy little Northern California lumber town would become the setting for a new Sci-Fi TV show?
Actually, I dunno if Eureka, the TV show, has anything to do with Eureka, California (one is SF and one is north of SF…). The teaser commercials remind me a lot of the upcoming Doctor Who spinoff, Torchwood – a top secret facility that uses alien technology to do whatever it is they do. (Well, after looking at their website, I guess Eureka (the TV show) doesn’t have anything to do with aliens, though Eureka (the city) might.)
Personally, I’m waiting for Torchwood, because Captain Jack is hot
When I moved from New Hampshire to Monterey, Route 101 pointed south to Los Angeles and north to Eureka. Knowing nothing of California except what I had seen on CHiPs, those two cities bounded California for me. How weird it is now that LA is north of me. Anyway, so one day we decided to follow 101 north until we got there.
It was a long trip, and we had two babies with us. This was the trip we learned just how car-sick Allyson could get. Every blanket, all her clothes… disaster… We stopped for a meal along the way, and from listening to the conversations of the locals, it was like anything south of the redwoods just didn’t exist. Ukiah was about as close to urban life as they could handle. We traveled on. Roads got ever more desolate. Eureka itself was like an oasis in the trees, built from those same trees. It reminded us a lot of Northern New Hampshire, made us homesick… With New Hampshire swallowed by the inexorable infection of Massachusett’s urban brawl, maybe Eureka has become more like NH than NH is.
I was looking for places to board my cat during our upcoming pilgrimage to New England, and when I saw the fake ad for a kitty freezer, complete with fake Shopping Channel infomercial, I had to look…
Anyway, first episode is tonight. Has to be better than what I watched last night, “Bulletproof Monk“.
Since my crushing failure to get MythTV to work on Baphomet, I hadn’t watched TV for three or four months. Finally happened upon Yahoo! TV (yes, I know, a very obscure site), which had the TV listings for my area. So now I’m watching all the movies I missed in theaters, interrupted by commercials every three minutes and thanking God I didn’t pay money to see this crud.