Though we didn’t get to go to the Comic Con yesterday, it did mean I was able to finish up the Deception quest to get my first Prismatic weapon from Nagafen as reward for taking care of Darathar’s threat. Turns out his anger over Lady Vox’s death and frustration at the Drakota for bringing a dozen kinds of pain to the people of Norrath and his anger at Darathar himself for stealing Naggy’s “only” prismatic egg were just a ruse to get us worked up enough to do his dirty work for him.
He actually had plenty of eggs. He just hates making the trip up to the surface to do it himself. And after a dozen trips up and down the whole of the immensely over-huge dungeon, I can see his point.
The prismatic longsword isn’t that wonderful, but it made a better sword-and-shield combo for soloing or light tanking than I had before. I used it for just that to help a friend with her last two fights for her Golden Efreeti Boots – tanked both Magmoleus and Efreeti Lord Djarn.
Joined again with the Legends crew and took on the evil beast Lockjaw, who, though a level 62×4 epic monster, was worlds easier than Darathar, a 55×4 epic.
Was getting late, but went along with them to a Poet’s Palace: Return raid. The first mob dropped a cutlass which was amazingly better than the prismatic for a 1h/shield combo; and I won it… a good solid month of weekend raids to get the prismatic, and I upgrade it within three hours.
Just wanted to say your site is always fun to read. It’s fun to see a journal entry of current raids and everything. Keep up the good work! :).
Heh gotta love that extra tier or two that have been added since prismatic 1.0 came out. I still charish those quests.. until you get to prismatic 2.0.. and then you’re remembering all over again why you hated the first one and why it was so lengthly… and of course then there’s the T7 prismatic… 23 quests and countless hours later…. Gotta love it
I haven’t even done a thing on prismatic 2. In fact, I haven’t done a thing with Maj’Dul, all those courts, all that this and that. All those quests, everything there, was pretty much trumped by Kingdom of Sky. I have utterly zero interest in trying to find pickup raids for every little step.
Now, if I were in a raiding guild that was working on T6 content, that’d be another story entirely; but I’m on my own. And a new expansion is coming out in November. Doesn’t make sense to do a zillion hour quest in DoF.
I only did Primatic 1.0 because I always wanted it!
I’ve started on the T7 prismatic, the Qeynos Claymore; I’d like to get past the Tenebrous Tangle bits of it so I could be on the same quests as all those SoS groups I join… that quest ends with the killing of Lord Vyemm? Yeah. This is going to be a very, very long quest.