Maybe I’m Just Being Paranoid…

… but my boss is returning from Bali without warning way earlier than I had previously heard, I am being cautioned not to make any long-term changes to our IT setup, I am to write complete step-by-step descriptions of everything I do so that someone else could do it, the company isn’t doing all that well this year compared to last, I have never gotten a pay raise since I started working here almost two years ago and I can’t live on what they’re paying me now…
I think the company is about to shrink its IT force by half. I’ve gotten this same vibe before other layoffs.
Anyone need a game-loving programmer/IT gal with 27 years experience?
Well, if I am not being paranoid and they really are out to get me, it’s time to try and get into the MMO industry again. I’ve never pushed as hard as I can push for such a job, even though I live and breathe MMOs…

2 thoughts on “Maybe I’m Just Being Paranoid…”

  1. Sorry to hear that, but it sounds like you’ve got a realistic and positive attitude. FWIW I and all my colleagues are similarly waiting for news in a few weeks in Sept. of where the axe is going to fall. At the very least, you sound extremely qualified. And it’s a great time again in the business. Good luck.

  2. Though my boss is in Bali (well, until today), I’ve been able to keep in touch with him through Gmail’s chat feature. He’s getting into the office in Bali just as I’m getting home in California, so I log in to Gmail at home and we can chat.
    He may be coming back for mundane not-firing-Tipa reasons, and probably I AM being paranoid. But it’s a good thing even if I am not fired, to have a reason to stand up, get resume and references in order, and take a look around and see what’s out there.
    It’s a good job, but I’d rather be in gaming than in fashion.

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