Finally FINALLY done leveling Dina. I’ve caught up!
Last night when I logged in, I immediately got invited to a guild Halls of Fate run. It was my first time there! Lots of nameds; unfortunately the loot was kind of meh, but the experience was good and we finished the run with me just 3% from 70!
There was no way I was going to do anything besides finish this level.
So I worked on some Bonemire quests using my super leet bard soloing powers (hit ’em from behind, burn ’em down). I had LFG up — just in case.
I got a Palace of the Awakened group just as I reached 100% on the bar. I debated for a moment killing something along the way just to ding, but thought it would be more fun to ding on the first kill in a group.
They didn’t even notice!
Oh well… but heck yeah, finally there.
Shot of the last room in Halls of Fate below. I didn’t get too many decent pictures while I was there; next time.
4 thoughts on “Ding! 70!”
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If I remember correctly I dinged 70 in Halls of Fate and nobody noticed either LOL…maybe it’s a scout thing…they’re all jealous of the scouts!
Congradulations on hitting level 70, even if your group didn’t notice *grins* I think I did mine in palace of the awakened.. no one noticed there either *snickers*