Timed Tradeskill Writs

SOE yesterday patched in timed (and untimed) tradeskill writs. You ask for a work order and select a difficulty – from easy to difficult in the tier you most recently completed, or a difficult work order in your current tier.
My two main crafters – Dina, a 40 tailor; and Dorah, a 51 jeweler; level largely to make stuff for guildies. I keep some common items on the broker but they rarely sell and never quickly. What I want most is for a system to ease the grind by giving me back the money I spend on fuel and taking away the crap I make purely for selling to the vendor.
The new tradeskill writs do that, as well as giving me guild status and faction with the Coalition of Tradesfolk. Dina can solo, but slowly, so doing writs instead lets her fulfill her writ obligations faster. Dorah, a necro, can solo fine, but doing writs as a level 51 gives more status faster than doing combat writs as a level 35. In both cases, tradeskill writs are far better than their combat counterparts for generating guild status.
Naturally, if what you’re wanting are the titles and items specific to a certain non-tradeskill faction, these won’t do you much good.
I’ve just been doing timed writs on the most difficult level. These give you about eight minutes to make six pristine items in your current tier. I usually finish with 3-4 minutes to spare. Dina needs 15000 status points each week to maintain her three room house in South Freeport. I can make that much status in half an hour – about half the time it would take to do the same with combat writs, and no traveling required.
A grind isn’t so bad when you feel you’re getting somewhere. Status and faction are immediate rewards, so even if you only get two recipes a tier, you’re still making good progress with something.

3 thoughts on “Timed Tradeskill Writs”

  1. How on earth are you managing to make the pristines in 8 minutes? Gack and here I thought I was doing well! I can’t seem to complete the rushed timed events for the life of me, at least not with my 52 woodworker, who needs about 2 minutes in order to make a single pristine, let alone only 8 minutes to make 7 of them… 0_o Suggestions? 😀

  2. Oh, I found this cool way of setting up my tradeskill spells.
    The OLD way I’d been using since FOREVER was one suggested back when EQ2 came out – pick three abilities that will cancel out durability loss and give some progress. This would usually leave me with a pristine item, but out of power.
    Then I read about this new way – get your three best durability buffs, and your three best progress buffs, string them together. Then work the progress buffs until durability is a problem, then do durabillity until that’s safe again. I don’t use the power drain progress buff if I can help it.
    Also, Dorah (my jeweler) has the +1/all Artisan shirt, and the +10 Artificing quest reward from the Isle of Mara. This helps a lot. Dina, my tailor, is a troubador and has power regen song going on all the time, so she can push the tradeskill buffs that use power a little more.
    But yeah, usually I finish a pristine in between 30-45 seconds. Sometimes things go horribly and it takes longer, but I’ve felt no time pressure on those timed writs.

  3. Hrm I’m typically always using my three durability buttons + my three progress buttons, use progress until durability is too low to ignore.. maybe I’ll give it a shot while I’ve got some power regen totems on, and try with the coercer who’s a 70 provisioner and could probably use the power regen M2 she’s got heh… I’ll have to give it a shot! Thanks for the hints

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