EQ2: Battle of the Twinks

Dina vs Arioma
I love twinks.
I love seeing them in my character select screen, in their gleaming armor and sharp weapons, their stories waiting to be told. There’s nothing like making a new character and fitting them out with the most awesome gear possible.
That’s why I spent a few hours a couple nights ago making armor, weapons and jewelry for Arioma, my contact in Qeynos for buying items that are cheaper there than Freeport. She was still in her Isle of Refuge gear. I haven’t logged her in for about a year or so. but now that my last two good side characters, Tipa and Verd, have betrayed, she needed to come out again.
First thing I had to do was choose a class. Way back when, Scout was all you could be at level 4. So, I chose Ranger. The game took away all the old leather and gave her a couple pieces of green chain.
She looked like a beggar, just washed ashore. But Arioma would need to be handling vast sums of money. Now that Dorah, my jeweler, is finishing up Tier 6, her jewelry business is really taking off. I make full sets for people, and sometimes make some extra for selling on the broker. I require all the pearls I can find at 40 gold or less. I make the jewelry, add in some profit, put it on the broker at 30-40 gold less than anyone else’s price (those expensive ones never actually sell), and collect my money in the morning.
I’m sure the broker in Qeynos would look at a ragged half elf with nothing but suspicion were she to suddenly walk up and demand to buy his finest gems. But in sparkling armor of bronze, a bow of alderwood and the best weapons, he might admit she had some legitimate business with him.
Goods in hand, she can sneak out to the griffon tower in Antonica and hand the gems to Dina, who will run them at bard speed to Dorah, waiting in Freeport.
Propa Ganda, Coercer Dina was aided and abetted by Dera, who made the armor and the weapons, and Propa, who actually gathered all the rares on the Isle of Refuge. Rares are very common there.
Troubadors are more or less the scout versions of coercers. Troub powers in that respect were severely nerfed a couple months ago because, apparently, they infringed too much on the role of enchanters in groups.
I thought I might make a coercer just to see what the real class of which we troubs are just shadows could do. Propa Ganda stepped up.
She, of course, is the most twinked gnome on the island. Rare armor, rare staff, rare jewelry, nothing was too good for Propa. She soloed every encounter on the island, and half the Tunareans running about had been in thrall to her at some point.
Coercers are fun. Find a likely pet and charm it. That lasts five minutes for her. Pull groups by mezzing, stunning and rooting adds. Let the pet tank one. Nuke the bejeezus out of the mob, and move to the next.
DinaWe raid Labs every night now on EQ2; we gear up a little, do a little better next time. We’re doing the trash encounters in the Labs with two groups every night and doing quite well. Scored relic gloves and Nightchord bracers so far. With a little luck, I’ll start getting coordinated again.
Swapped in my old hat for the new one a few weeks back. It’s betterbut not great. That yellow just doesn’t do it for me.
I’m not able to play EQ2 as much as I’d like at the moment. EQ1’s newest expansion, The Serpent’s Spine, is out, and I need to level my cleric Brita to 75 as soon as I can. She is 72 as of tonight. Once 75, I’ll need fifty or sixty two hundred more AAs to get the bare essentials before I can relax into EQ2 again. As well as some time spent in spell-dropping missions to get the second ranks of my 71-75 spells.
I’ll talk more about Serpent’s Spine and the rush to 75 in another post.