Note: I just found out that it sucks to be stupid. Guitar Hero II was released today. If I’d known it was coming out so soon, I would never have bought Final Fantasy 12.
If you know me, or live near me, you can’t escape my Guitar Hero obsession. Guitar Hero 2 comes out this month and I’m trying my darndest to finish Final Fantasy 12 so my PS2 will be free to rock out come release date. This new version lets a friend play along as bass. I’ve been hinting to my son that he’d better be working up his GH skills cuz I’m not going to be satisfied with him strumming the E string over and over. I played bass in a college band and I’m not doing that again. The lead guitar would tell me to take a bass solo and I’m like, huh, I’ve been playing the same four notes throughout the entire song and now you want me to solo? Solo what? Stan Jordan, I am not.
Playstation 2 Magazine had four songs from GH 2 on its demo disk last month… Kiss “Strutter”, Rush “YYZ”, Van Halen “I Really Got You” and Motley Crue “Shout at the Devil”. I played them all on “Hard” without too much trouble. Well, except for YYZ. What the heck is that song all about? I mean, it’s good to see prog rock in the lineup, but that song is just cruel.
New version has a training mode, one that hopefully lets you practice the solos seperately. I hate having to play through the easy bits of the song just for another shot at the solo. Queen’s “Killer Queen” on the first game had a nasty section right at the end that I never did master just because I hated having to play the rest of the song, which is annoyingly simple, just to get to it.
I’ve suspected for awhile that Guitar Hero was actually harder for a lot of songs than the real songs played on real guitars. The real rock guitarists from the original real bands seem to agree