Assault by Cell Phone

There’s this commercial… friends tell me it’s from Verizon Wireless advertising their new RAZR phone but really, I can’t watch it all the way through… it’s just…
You’ve seen it?
This guy is standing around in, perhaps, a party, and this woman comes in and jams earbuds in his ears which blares out five seconds of some song, then she claims to need them back to answer a telephone call, yanks the earbuds out of his head and walks away. She turns back, laughing a little at him, as the guy (this is shot from his perspective) staggers about a bit. Then the commercial flashes this picture of some guy named Keith Urban as displayed on a cell phone.
What is he going to do next? Sue her? Have her arrested? Quietly excuse himself and leave? I just wonder what I would do if someone did that to me. I would be so mortified. What am I supposed to do? Am I suppose to claim that five seconds of music she let me hear change my life? Am I supposed to grab the cell phone, see this Keith Urban’s picture on it, and buy his album because that random music clip suddenly made me want to spend $25 to buy the CD? Is the woman trying to get people to buy Keith Urban records? Who is she? Why did she want to play this music clip when she was expecting an important telephone call?
What an embarassing situation. Personally I would leave and never go back to that place ever again, while spending the next few years trying to think how I could have handled that better, perhaps by leaving the room when she entered. That of course would be if I knew I was about to be assaulted by someone with a cell phone and a desire to share her ear wax.
There’s another one for the same product, except it’s two women in beach chairs. One assaults the other, and the second woman just is dazed afterward. Her head is lolling (again shot from her perspective), and just before she loses consciousness, her eyes drift to her toes. There’s something significant about her toes.
My friends say I am reading way too much into these commercials. But the whole situation is just amazingly uncomfortable. Like when Robert DeNiro as Rupert Pupkin drops in uninvited on Jerry Lewis’s talk show host character in King of Comedy.