Spammity Spam

I read nearly all the spam Surya gets so I can tune our spam blocker to keep it out of the mailboxes of the bright and beautiful Elois upstairs. Here are some gems.

Do not in any case enter our store! Do not look at our prices and wide choice of cheap legal downloadable 0Em software! Do you really need this software? You will definitely need manuals and different promo-discs that are included in the packs from the manufacturers that cost hundreds of bucks! We do not offer you this – only 100% full-working oem software without any manuals.

Hi! Let’s try some reverse psychology! That’ll work!

We must take the bad with the good Beware Greeks bearing gifts

Part of the trash text surrounding an ad for fake watches with “98% Perfectly Accurate Markings”. Hokay! The 4 and the 5 are switched, but otherwise the markings are perfectly accurate!

wel come to the best pharmacy http:///

Guy spends a hundred backs to have some hacker’s botnet spam ten million people with his ad and he forgets to put in the website! Oops!

Dear Friend,
I just got off the phone with Paul Connor and he was telling me about his new book about getting what (and who) you want with the power of Witchcraft. Yes, I said Witchcraft. But not the bad kinda helpful, spiritual sort of thing.

Oh hey, Paul Connor! Isn’t he the… mmm nope, never heard of him. The website links point to a domain hawking cheap travel to Asia… so maybe this is exotic Asia witchcraft! Oooooh! But not the bad kinda helpful, spiritual sort of thing. No, I guess this would be the good, kinda not helpful, unspiritual witchcraft.
I love Spammer names. Use these for your next Second Life character!
Lazybones O. Neutrino – black sheep of the Neutrino family. Only interacts weakly with work.
Corseting I. Curvy – Middle name: Ivana.
Foraging P. Trites – Dad was old Harvesting Trites, Mom was Mining “Mini” Trites.
Cook Osmond – No relation to “Cook Me Elmo”
Scrounger A. Odd – Related to Foraging? Dunno.
Confound C. Smite – Wherever evil dwells!
Baldest M. Objector – based on a 98% perfectly accurate survey.
Junction M. Sturgeon – 90% of all junctions are crap. Then again, 90% of everything is crap.
Parliament U. Cheeriest – from Canada, Home of the World’s Cheeriest Parliament.
Cheated Bride – She was done cheated, and now she sellin’ all those cheap watches she done got.
Putative O. Damsels – better check to be sure.
Ulysses Barrett – Cream’s Tales of Brave Ulysses. Barrett.
Excursions Q. Stonework – Middle name, Quarry.
Enjoy your Monday!