Green Monster Games and Other Ramblings

Schilling_NPC_in_EQ2_closeup.jpgOn the news that Green Monster Games is continuing to drain people from SOE, I have to wonder just what happened to Curt Schillings’ avatar within EQ2. It was supposed to be put in game somewhere after the ALS promotion ended… My guess? In a dark, secret room somewhere that players never see, Curt Schilling’s avatar is killed over and over by a horde of giggling goblins while the manacled avatars of Blackguard and Moorgard watch helplessly.

I do wish GMG all the best. I know whatever game they come up with, I’ll love, since I love EQ2, and heck, it’s going to be the same team.
I look forward to making my dark elf ranger, Drriizzzzt Dou’urten. When I guided in EQ1, I’d get a petition from a Drizzt. And then a Driiztt. And then a Tzzird. I’d get confused — had I talked to these people before? Or was it someone new with a similar name? I’d flag them to have a GM consider changing their names for them at some point. We weren’t supposed to mention their names to them when they petitioned… I forgot that at the worst time ever once… it was supposed to be an issue only when a player ratted them out… Now with the new web-based petition system, petitioning is such a gigantic pain in the rear that I doubt many bother with it anymore. At the Fanguard last year, it was revealed that every single character name will need to be approved by a GM before that character can be completed.
Where was I? Oh yes… will anyone be able to complain about names based on R. A. Salvatore’s work when it’s his game to begin with? It’s like a homage, isn’t it?
I’d like to see this in the GMG MMO: a GM comes down in the shape and form of Drizzt Do’urden. Twin falchions ablaze. Who dares take my name? He’ll shout. You are no member of my House. Begone! BOOM!
Heck, I’d make a Drrrizzzzzzttttt just to see that!
I’ll admit to a tiny bit of depression concerning my adventures in the blogosphere lately.
I left a comment over at Mystic Worlds in her entry where she never feels as if she can wade through low level mobs killing each one with one mighty swing of her Volkswagen-sized glowing sword, and about the lack of pictures of awe-inspiring, mighty dragons and other creatures of similar stature. Anyway, I linked to a bunch of pictures of glowy weapons and big boss mobs but… the comment was marked as spam.
Despondent, I turned to EQ2-Daily for other blogs that could use the haffer touch. I found a pointer to a nice post in Chronicles of Me about some guy’s adventures soloing with a new paladin in EverQuest 1. Not sure why an EQ1 article showed up on EQ2-Daily when should I post a non-EQ2 article, EQ2-Daily panics and won’t index my blog until they’re sure I won’t make that same mistake once more.
Anyway, I read through the article, which was all about how back in the day, he had to make that thirty minute run followed by a twenty minute boat ride from Qeynos to Kerra Isle (a boat went straight from Qeynos to Erudin, and a couple minute run/swim would bring you right to the isle, so actually it was a fairly quick journey considering), and how he had to battle legions of gnolls to get through Blackburrow so he could run to Halas and get spirit of the wolf from a Barbarian shaman (my memories of early EQ1 include shamans and druids selling SoW pretty much everywhere, or often free for the asking).
Anyway, his post was about the newbie experience in EQ1 today, and I suggested that instead of trying to solo hideously tough creatures, to go to Paludal Caverns where there would be groups and also solo mobs as well as many drops which sell for good money… and my post was summarily deleted. Follow that link above.
Crushed. Crushed, I am.

12 thoughts on “Green Monster Games and Other Ramblings”

  1. That’s funny. I saw both of your comments and thought they were good. Maybe they just didn’t like long-winded comments; my immediate impression is they were ……… long.

  2. You might have a point. I know most of the comments I get on this blog are short, succinct, and to the point, like:
    Your site makes good sinse to me — my site:
    Great guestbook please visit my site —
    Need to work on toning down the verbiage, I guess. I’m going to redesign my site so it’s more like yours, MrrX. This one thin column I have just makes me seem more long-winded than I really am.

  3. “have to wonder just what happened to Curt Schillings’ avatar within EQ2. It was supposed to be put in game somewhere after the ALS promotion ended…”
    Umm, take a swing over to the Thundering Steps docks he’s sitting there on the side of one of the houses.

  4. I can’t see where publishing would be a win, in intellectual property terms, for SOE. When you come right down to it, EQ2 isn’t that different from WoW, which itself isn’t that different from EQ1. Vanguard: SOH doesn’t fall far from the tree either; it is basically the same pick a class, grind out your levels, compete with others for gear upgrades set in a fantasy setting that pretty much every other game is. With R.A. Salvatore on board with his giant helping of IP, I see a version of the same game coming again. Where does it help SOE to muddy the waters with an offering of a half dozen very similar games?

  5. Rolling On The Floor Laughing – I used to get lots of those comments too on Blogspot, but WordPress has managed to block every one. So far anyway.
    Your site’s a bit older than mine – I tend to agree that more width would be better. I went skinny when people were still likely to be browsing at 800×600, but at some point I think you have to move on, and that time has passed. Still, I never look at your site and think “That’s ugly”. FWIW.

  6. From the opening of Morrel-Thule to about two years later, with one break to join the Quest Troupe for awhile (which I loved but I missed being a real guide), and then a break when I came back to guide on Tallon Zek for a couple of months.
    I really enjoyed helping people and brightening people’s playtimes. But to be the best guide, you need to put aside being a player. Or you did back then. Now guiding is far more a casual thing, and actual customer service is handled by faceless GMs you never see.
    I believe guides and GMs should be a part of the server community. I am happy to see Vanguard believes in that as well.

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