MrrX tagged me for this (and also Amber… OOPS)… so here it goes… Five things about me you probably don’t know…
I’m not a New Englander. It’s a big point with me that I grew up in Massachusetts and went to high school and college in New Hampshire. But I was born outside of Seattle while my dad was working at Boeing. Where the hospital I was born once stood, a K-Mart stands now.
I’m a musician. I used to play flute, recorders and pennywhistles in an Irish contradance band called the Crabapples back when I lived in Monterey. We were a kinda big band at one point, and one night we crammed onto that tiny stage at the juice bar in Pacific Grove which had an open mic night. It was hilarious.
I was a winner in the 1986 Obfuscated ‘C’ Contest. I’m never sure if I should mention that on resumes. It’s like winning the Worst Audition award on American Idol. Sure, you were on TV… and what’s more, you were trying to sing badly…
I have six sisters. Well, three of them are step-sisters, my stepmother’s girls. The family name ends with my generation! Hoorah!
I still have my teddy bear from when I was three. His name is Orange Teddy. Real imaginative name… I knit his shirt when I was a kid. I’m told he had fur once… I have a special way of holding him that only he and I know, so he’ll know it’s me and will stop crying.
I’ll have to pass this along to the only two people left who read this blog and haven’t been tagged already, Amber and… HEY WAIT! SHE TAGGED ME! Well, her fault for doing it around when my grandson was born… Blogs were the last thing on my mind :)Okay, I’m tapping Razak of Norrath Living and Tide of Tide’s Horizon. Out with the dark and dirty, guys!
7 thoughts on “Five things you don’t know about me…”
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LOL… I have been trying to read your blog, but someone when I posted your blog on my blog, which is what I click on to get to your blog, it was only taking me to the EQ2 section, and i was like, wow this person never posts! Like hasn’t posted forever, and was about to give up on you, and then I stumbled across this. So you do post!
“I still have my teddy bear from when I was three. His name is Orange Teddy. Real imaginative name… I knit his shirt when I was a kid. I’m told he had fur once… I have a special way of holding him that only he and I know, so he’ll know it’s me and will stop crying.”
That is SO cute!
I did have a dry spell around Christmas when I became a grandma, and THEN the blog was hacked… and what with one thing and another I didn’t have much time to spend on the web. Plus I had a bunch of half-finished posts, especially the TV one which was just getting to be ever more of a job every time a new episode came out…
I’ve read your blog before and am reading it right now! Thanks for visiting mine
I still read it
Make a blog and I’ll tag you, too
*hugs the haffer*
Hey Noffin! */gnomepunt the halfer* Hows it going?

Hi Tipa! *hugs* Love the blog
Still need that Wraithbone Hammer back?
Naw, keep it Tipa :). I got a good heavy rock I can hit things with :D. I don’t play EQ, just putzing around in CoH/V waiting for Vanguard.