EQ2: Rise of Kunark rumors

Sorry for falling for it. It really did sound to good to be true.

Take this with a generous helping of salt. Someone was claiming they had found a feature list for EQ2: Rise of Kunark, and it included these things:

  • Beast lords
  • New look for Iksar (closer to EQ1 models)
  • New gnomish mounts
  • Levitate for mages
  • Mounts that can attack

Sounds more like a wish list than a feature list, and I suppose we’ll see what the truth is in a few more months.

8 thoughts on “EQ2: Rise of Kunark rumors”

  1. Hmm.. I would have to say that I may crap my pants with joy if they had beastlords in the new expansion..
    I, for one, think it’s time we get a new class in EQ2.. something not as cookie cutter as the ones taht seem to fit so comfortably withing the typical archetypes.

  2. The developers have already confirmed that they have no intention of adding beastlords or any other classes into the game until they’re absolutely 100% sure that all 24 existing classes are 100% balanced in every possible situation: Soloing, grouping, raiding, PVP, and whatever else may be left, so keep dreaming.

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