EQ2: Fangs a Lot!

dina-fang.jpgBetween doing my epic run from Ered Luin to Rivendell tonight on LotRO, and giving a big HECK YEAH to Haley the Skank as she was booted from American Idol tonight, we kinda maybe destroyed Lord Vyemm AND his lab (“and I would have gotten away with it if it hadn’t been for those meddling adventurers!”).
We’ve been able to do guild-only raids for awhile now, and the guild reached level 60 sometime while I was moving and we even got a new cloak that has something to do with Revolutions (a clenched fist against a Les Miserables-ish black-and-red field) instead of the Spiderman cloak we’d had. And we’re going to try Freethinkers this Friday, so I’m keeping my toes crossed that people have their listening caps on that night… it’s a tricky raid.
Anyway, at the end of it a certain plucky haffer troub walked away with a green glowing Fang from that horrid dragon to match the red glowy dagger she already had.
Now, Dina looks wow! Or should I say… WoW!?

2 thoughts on “EQ2: Fangs a Lot!”

  1. It’s Nightchord, actually, from Labs. Looks just like the non-custom Hooloh’s hat, except Hooloh’s is bright yellow and looks yuck.
    Devs said the hat colors were chosen to match our class armor colors, but I never had one piece of yellow armor so I don’t know where they got that. Troub relic is brown.

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