Comment Spam

The Ancient Gaming Noob had an interesting post today about the spam comments he gets in his blog. I’ve often complimented him before on how his well-designed site has changed my life, caused me to burst into laughter unexpectedly and inspired me to become a better person — many of my heartfelt comments, he displayed there for everyone to see.
Well. Here at West Karana, we get spam. Most of it gets captured and shunted off by Akismet, and what remains doesn’t get past the filter that cuts off comments to older entries. But, we do get some spam. Here’s some highlights of what is being held by Akismet right now.

  • qwticye ajcbvfpn omydfesxk ypmox ryap uzlkbsgr fwrstb
  • Tip, I don’t have your new phone # or address since you moved, but I figure you read your own blog. Call me. Frank
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  • Tipa, call me. I no longer have room to store your car. – Frank
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  • Tipa, contact me today or the car goes to the crusher. I mean it. Read your friggin blog gdmnit.
  • MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY! Get paid for blogging! Nation’s #1 blog site is looking for bloggers willing to write articles for up to $10/post! Make as little or as much as you like!
  • Tip, I just got off the phone with Frank. He said he found your laptop, it was in your car. Did you leave your car with him when you moved? I couldn’t understand much of what he was saying. He was pretty upset. – Susan D.
  • Tipa. I just found your friggin laptop in your car. Yeah. And your little “story”. Writing stories about killing people in real life is against the law, bitch. Sue said she had your address. Expect a letter from my lawyer.


6 thoughts on “Comment Spam”

  1. No spam has ever made it to my front page, but until I added the plugin that froze comments to old posts, I got a fair amount (Akismet would catch most of it anyway). I still get the random spam now and again. I’m thinking of allowing some back in because they were pretty fun sometimes!

  2. I love it. and TIPA! FOR THE LOVE OF FRANK, rescue your car, laptop, and lawyer before more male enhancement products from Canadian Pharmacies are delivered to your doorstep!

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