It was a difficult mission — stop a military transport, take everyone on it prisoner and bring them back to base for some fun — and I think I did fairly well. Defeated the two scouts guarding the acceleration array (ie, zone line) to the instance, no problem, I was cooking with antimatter. Inside the deadspace instance, were a couple of ships… okay, I can take them on… and then many more… so much that I had to rabbit it back to base for some quick repairs. When I returned… two minutes until the transport arrived… I couldn’t defeat all its guards by then. I decided to lead them a chase and circle back around.
The transport popped in from warp… with even more friends… so I bore down upon it with guns blazing. My shield boosters were redlining, my guns were over heating, and my hull looked like a hunk of Swiss cheese that had met a family of enthusiastic mice. I destroyed the transport… and then a dozen angry rebels finished off Isis’ Dark Laughter.
I tried to take a shuttle back to retrieve the wreckage, but with so many rebels swarming about, there was nothing I could do.
I knew it was over when the insurance company paid off my claim. They even gave me a basic ship in which to scoot around. How nice.
I wasn’t planning on keeping Dark Laughter forever, but I did hope she’d see me safely until I finished training to pilot Type III Gallenite Frigates, which I should achieve sometime early tomorrow morning. (Then it’s back to the Science classes for me…)
I had a blueprint for a basic frigate hanging around, and last night I’d mined all the rare ores I will ever (ha!) need for basic shipbuilding, so I sent the job to a factory to build and logged into EQ2 to raid.
When I came back, Isis’ Silent Kiss was ready for christening. A ship of that class is no match for the rebels, so I spent the evening killing some of the prowlers that lurk about various asteroid fields and doing odd jobs to get ISK.
Tomorrow, Dark Laughter II will hunt down those rebels. They will die quickly. Three 150mm Gatling Railguns with hybrid antimatter charges will see to that.
Above: Isis’ Silent Kiss. I didn’t have any pictures of my beloved Dark Laughter because I thought taking screenshots saved them to disk.
Number one question I asked when I saw EVE screenshots before I began playing was, is that what the game actually looks like? Yes, yes it does. Very cinematic pictures of spaceships and nebulas. And… that’s pretty much it. EVE is not a very visual game. You can cover your screen with various windows and you won’t miss much (I end up doing that quite a lot). They could make a client for ASCII terminals, probably. Even combat doesn’t really require you to look — when I fight, I’m watching the targeting scanners, keeping my weapons loaded, trying to keep the hull in one piece, keeping at correct weapon range and leaving a spare eye for the mission objectives.
Its nice to see mission write ups from unjaded pilots.

For me a mission goes like this nowadays:
warp in with tank running, get aggro, kill stuff while web surfing.
I am defiantly jaded lol
If you would like to chat about any aspect of EvE please join channel ‘OTEP’ , the official One Tired EvE Pilot fan channel….and I’m the only one in it
But when I’m online I will chat with you as much as you like and will answer as many questions as I can
Revenge is sweet. I don’t know if you can fly destroyers yet, but they’re brilliant offensive platforms for level 1 missions. They killed things so fast I sometimes had trouble keeping up with targetting. “Isis’ Revenge” sounds right