Crisis of the Infinite Earths vs Earth-616

Cryptic (developers of City of Heroes and the Suburbs of the Super Pets) is developing the new Marvel superhero MMO for the PC and the XBox 360. SOE Austin is developing the new DC Universe MMO for the PC and (unsurprisingly) the Playstation 3.
So if you like Wolverine, you get an XBox. Green Lantern, PS3. Jessica Alba, XBox. Alicia Silverstone (who? you ask… sigh… Batgirl in Batman & Robin? Okay? nm. Just pretend I said Uma Thurman.) — PS3. Peter Parker, Xbox. Dick Grayson, PS3.
What an opportunity. If they could, somehow, meet — maybe in neutral ground, like the Nintendo Wii. Face off. Of course, it wouldn’t be entirely fair, since one side has an immortal, indestructible superbeing and one doesn’t.
How could anyone beat Doc Manhattan!?