Star Trek Online Devlog

The Star Trek Online devs have posted their first devlog. If you’re at all interested in the upcoming Star Trek-based MMO, you should definitely check it out. Their first devblog focuses on their world creation tools — VERY interesting, at least if you’re into that kind of thing.
I thought the moons/planets in the sky of their demo scene looked a little too close, but I guess that’s standard for the genre.
I’ll add a pointer to It’s these kinds of forums from which devs typically pick those who will be first into beta, so now’s the time to get involved.
STO looks to be a combo of tactical space missions a la EvE Online, and instanced “away” missions which will likely be more standard MMO fare. Sometimes you’ll “be” a shuttlecraft, sometimes you’ll be an ill-fated redshirt. The largest capital ships (they say the Galaxy class (like Enterprise-D, the TV ST;TNG ship) and Sovereign class (like Enterprise-E, the ST:TNG movie ship) will be the “cities” of STO and not drivable by players, a move that has caused much commotion among Trekkers who want to sit in Picard’s chair and baldly boldly go and all that. We may still get ships as large as the Intrepid class (ST:Voyager’s Voyager) or the Defiant (from ST:DS9), and those don’t suck.