Meme Wars

I think I dropped a previous Meme… well, this time I saw it before it got stale 🙂 Thanks, Amber!
-Start Copy-
It’s very simple. When this is passed on to you, copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.)
Add the next number (1. 2. 3. 4. 5., etc.) and write your own blogging tip for other bloggers. Try to make your tip general.
After that, tag 10 other people. Link love some friends!
Just think- if 10 people start this, the 10 people pass it onto another 10 people, you have 100 links already!
1. Look, read, and learn. ***
2. Be EXCELLENT to each other. *
3. Don’t let money change ya! *
4. Always reply to your comments. ****
5. Link liberally — it keeps you and your friends afloat in the Sea of Technorati. *
6. Don’t give up – persistance is fertile. **
7. Give link credit where credit is due. ***
8. Pictures say a thousand words and can usually add to any post.**
9. Keep writing, no matter what, and the quality will follow. **
10. Stay out of your comfort zone. Take risks, don’t be afraid to look dumb.
11. Keep to a schedule. People return to blogs when they know they will find something new.
-End Copy-
And now to pass it on… but to whom?
How about Alaph, Lars, Kanthalos, Ravven, Lishian, Relmstein, Cass, Yunk, JoBildo, and DM Osbon. Because all these fine bloggers left comments recently on my blog or linked to me, and thus I love each one more than my own children, who have (to date) never left a comment!

7 thoughts on “Meme Wars”

  1. Worse than you know, Lish. He’s been up to NH helping his grandmother with stuff following Dad’s death, and he’s coming home with a tooth problem that’s probably going to cost me $2K. AND… he finds time to update his MySpace daily but never one comment here 😛

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