Gaff at Trot Line tagged me with this latest meme I can’t think of anyone to pass it too, so it ends here, but here’s mine anyway.
Four jobs I have had in my life, not including my current occupation:
- Short order cook at Sambo’s
- Office Manager at my daughter’s high school.
- Supermarket inventory taker
- 4. Student computer consultant at UNH.
Four movies I have watched over and over (and over):
- Blade Runner
- Alien
- Nausicaa no Tani no Kaze
- Mononoke Hime (yes, I am a big Miyazaki fan).
Four places I have lived:
- Renton, Washington
- Concord, New Hampshire
- Marina, California
- Manchester, Connecticut
Four shows I love to watch:
- Lost
- Heroes
- Battlestar Galactica
- American Idol
Four places I have been on vacation:
- Weirs Beach, NH, home of the Funspot at which the world series of videogames is held
- Disneyland, CA
- Vancouver, BC
- Half Moon Beach, CA
Four of my favorite foods:
- Cabbage rolls
- Corned Beef sandwhich
- Shepherd’s pie
- Green pea & ham soup.
Four favorite drinks:
- Diet Coke
- Ginger Ale
- Iced Tea
- Lemonade
Four places I would rather be right now:
- With my daughter in California
- … and back in our house in Marina
- … overlooking Monterey Bay
- … on a crisp autumn morning.
I want to retire to Monterey… should I ever be able to retire… and should I be able to afford it.
It isn’t that expensive if you don’t live right IN Monterey. Seaside (which borders it and was once part of Monterey — East Monterey — is very affordable). We lived in Marina, about four miles from Monterey, but still on the Bay and still beautiful.
I didn’t leave because of housing costs. I left because I couldn’t find work :/ And now it really WOULD be hard to get back (unless I could find work there now, somehow).
I never wanted to move to Silicon Valley. Maybe I should have. At least I would still have been in the area.
Those whacky trot lines….