“Rock Band” coming to the PS2 SOON!

Rock Band
Gosh, I need to post more… if you could see how many posts I have partially written…
But! I just read on Wired that “Rock Band” — that game that lets you and three friends play fake instruments and sing to cover tunes and is similar to Guitar Hero which is REALLY FUN — is coming to the PS2 December 10th, two weeks after it debuts on the Xbox 360 and the PS3.
I’ve been hesitant to buy a PS3, especially knowing that next year, all the hot games from THIS year that cost so much will be cheaper, and that next year it will also support DVR functionality, making it a better deal for the price… but thinking that Rock Band would come out only for consoles I didn’t have had me wondering if now was a good time to throw down half a g on a console to play just one game.
And now I don’t have to. PS2 for the win. Thanks, Harmonix! That’s $500 I can use to buy something else!
(It’s also coming out early next year for the Wii, another console I do have, so even better!)

5 thoughts on ““Rock Band” coming to the PS2 SOON!”

  1. Guitar Hero III (which I recommend less, but will probably still be fun) is hitting ALL the systems, which is good. PS3, 360, Wii, PS2, PC and Mac…
    That’s probably the best thing about it, sadly, since I think Activision is taking it more down the path of “having wacky fun” and not “being a fun, intense game, but with music always being the primary concern,” which is what Harmonix (the original Guitar Hero developers, now on Rock Band) is all about.
    I put my faith in Harmonix over all else. ^_^ Rock Band looks like it’s going to… uh… rock! Heh.

  2. @Lars — next year, PS3 will also have Eternal Sonata, a very cool looking RPG currently only out for the Xbox 360. It really does look like 2008 will be the year of the PS3… finally…

  3. @JFatz — My son pointed out to me yesterday that Rock Band for the PS2 wouldn’t have the online play, OR be able to support four players without adapters. Well, the four player thing isn’t that big an issue. The online play thing, though… that’s a biggy. Might be buying a PS3 anyway — but it’s SO EXPENSIVE! How can people AFFORD this?

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