I’ve started work on tailoring again. Making my appearance clothes in the Nest got the juices running, and I was in Lavastorm farming rares for my defiler (who just made 40) anyway… so what the heck… I leveled to tier 6, and after a night of harvesting which got me about four hundred roots and a similar number of pelts, got to level 52 before I ran out of roots. At six to eight roots per combine, they go pretty quick. At 1.5% experience per combine, it takes a lot of them to get anywhere, too. Without the new tradeskill experience bonus for tradeskill writs, I doubt I could have done it at all.
At 50 I could finally scribe the Wurmslayer recipe I’d had sitting in my bank for a year. The final combine, though, requires a crafting level of 60 or higher.
Ugh. If only I could get a 70 crafter to help me. Like, say, a 70 jeweler. Perhaps… my trusty necro… Dorah (who had gone from 64 to 66 helping me with quests and completing some for herself).
Instead of the Wurmslayer, which needs an oak shaft from deep in SoS and I’m not sure how I can get there myself, I decided to get both of us our Bone-Clasped Girdles, another quest that requires a high level of crafting (though people have done it in their mid-thirties crafting).

Two Halflings, a Squidhead and a dead Dragon.
Part of NBC’s exciting fall line-up!
(Appearance armor: Woven Strengthened Leather. I make it, I wear it.)
Off to the Fear-Tainted Island in Tenebrous Tangle to talk to some squid-head guy. Except… hey Dorah, you don’t speak Thulian, do you? Off to the Temple of Cazic-Thule to fix that problem. Dorah’s mage pet made all the lizards fall over so gracefully, and we were soon back, tasked with finding a half dozen random bone piles in the Bonemire.
Bad enough finding them for one character, let alone two, but I finished up some writs I’d had sitting in my quest log, and Dorah got through a few of the Drednever quests, and it was also nice to be able to kill some of the heroic mobs guarding some of the bone piles. Pull with Dina, Dorah unleashes scout pet, burning pigs, bats, random dead things, a grinning zombie, diseases, pestilence, life taps… she’s a three foot pile of death, she is.
That would come in handy in the Sanctum of the Scaleborn. Squid-head wanted us to head to the Draconic Forge deep deep inside to forge a phylactery to store a dragon’s soul.
Most of the mobs in the Sanctum do not see invis. But some do. Sometimes you can sneak around them… but other times, you just have to fight. And at those times it’s good to have a necro.
Still, there was a lot of dying. I was finally able to follow a group partway, taking on the odd mob myself, but in the end they wiped and I had to finish the last few rooms alone. I ran Dina ahead through one last mob-filled room with Dorah running behind. Dina died right outside the forge, Dorah ran ahead and feigned death, then when the mobs had left, revived Dina… at last, the Draconic Forge.

Oh, so that’s why she dresses that way…
(Dorah’s appearance armor: Ceremonial Coalition Forge outfit)
The level 60 combine for the Phylactery was no trouble at all for he, and after Dorah made hers, I commissioned her to make mine. I’ve had trouble with crafting commissions in the past, but this worked perfectly.
I really wanted to see if I could find the Oak Haft for my Wurmslayer, since I was there already, but I didn’t. We evaced to the entrance, fought our way through the Droags outside (still aggro to Dorah. We didn’t really have to kill them but c’mon… droags… and anyway, Dorah had a quest for them).
All that’s left is to suck out a dragon’s soul and then kill its spirit. Yummy. The spirit was incongruously up already, but I guess it doesn’t count if it’s not ours.
Nice! My pvp druid is wearing this patch leather suit that looks like the old boiled leather armour… My druid now looks like a druid instead of soome blue armour wearing wack job. That armour made me want to go postal! I mean, what not? Postal workers wear blue! I had a good reason to want to go postal in postal blue armour.. well– the apearance tab has saved a lot of folks from the wrath.
Saved from the Viral Rage……