With apologies to Potshot…
Since we raid Freethinker’s Hideout every few days, I finally got around to doing some of the quests for that zone — Thermal Shocker to accurately judge the placement on the third named (when it just barely is in range to fire, you’re in the correct spot), and the Hand of Glory quest line.
Anyway, we killed this ugly guy on the way into the Mistmoore Catacombs for the Sword of Destiny quest a couple of weekends back. No idea what he was for, and he didn’t drop anything, but AA is AA, right? (Unless you have 100 AA… then nothing matters any more…)
I had an inkling, though, as I gathered dead, smelly fish from the shore of Timorous Moors, that this might be the beast that was summoned.
Timorous Moors… shouldn’t that have something to do with the Timorous Deeps? But the ship that wrecked with the Hand of Glory (a weapon you can’t wield but the quest-giver can) in its hold was traveling through the Ocean of Tears…
The Allakhazam walkthrough jocularly suggests that a level 70 can easily solo this. Well, not THIS level 70. Sure, I can do the standard troub fight until it hurts, then mez and heal… but this critter breaks mez early, and there are lots of wandering mobs about (I was SURE I’d killed them all in advance but no…. And charming them to help kill the big nasty is only fun until their charm breaks too… and then it’s keeping 2-3 things mezzed and no fighting happening… Also the meanie nukes so can’t kite EITHER…)
Anyway, when the going gets tough, the troub calls in the cavalry. My son — who has recently joined my guild with his brigand — brought his warden, and I two boxed my necro. A couple of shrieks and a lifeburn later, the critter was dead. And Pepperland was made safe from the Blue Meanies forever.
Next step: Clear the valley outside of Freethinker’s Hideout of vengeful spirits. By apologizing. Well, whatever works.