Very quick note on Live Update 39, will do more tonight…
Hallowe’en quests aren’t in, those are scheduled for the 26th. The next quest in the Kunark line went live, it requires you to kill a few followers of Venril Sathir in Feerrott (there was a line for one of them) and eventually scare them straight by using an illusion of Cazic Thule to bring them away from their heretical belief in the divinity of Venril Sathir. It’s not an instance, but the mobs do innovatively scale to your level nonetheless.
The Shard of Fear is a single group, level 70+ instance in Feerrott, right where you expect it to be. The loot that drops from there will be very familiar to anyone who raided Fear in EQ1, except many of the items have bad points mixed in with the good.
There’s a “More Cowbell” sword that drops in the Shard of Fear — its effect is called “Bis Bovis Carillion” — Latin for “More Cowbell” — and the name of it is something like “Dawnfear, the Reaper” (Don’t Fear the Reaper)… I didn’t get a chance to do more than poke my head into Fear since we were raiding Emerald Halls later (and for once, I got to play my bard instead of my cleric), and I wanted to finish the latest Kunark opener quest before we started. But the links were amazing. Crimson Robe of Alendine, Amulet of Necropotence, all the old stuff. Plus the “More Cowbell” sword. Eric Bloom, lead singer of Blue Oyster Cult (the band that did Don’t Fear the Reaper, and the person who actually played the cowbell in the song), plays EQ2… I bet he was laughing last night…
A good number of people in my guild had never heard of Blue Oyster Cult. Talk about heresies. One of the best rock bands ever, reduced to occasional play on oldies stations and their best music entirely unheard, remembered now (if at all) for the “More Cowbell” sketch on Saturday Night Live…
Pictures and more tonight… gotta go to work.
5 thoughts on “EQ2: I just gotta have more cowbell”
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Ok…is it me…or is this BoC week…
I just had to post due to MORE talk about BoC
“More COWBELL!!!”
Great BOC trivia.
Blue Oyster Cult do indeed ROCK!
I bet Mr Bloom was secretly very happy about the weapon and the name!
I am so desparate to go into the SoF, but I will have to wait until this weekend as I want to go in there with my regular group. we all want to experienece it together for the first time. I have heard you definitely need a group around you that you can trust in there.
Hah that is funny.
When my Treo worked (before I dropped it) I had mp3s of lines from that sketch as my ringtones.
You know what’s odd? the last patch a couple weeks ago in LOTRO they also added cowbell as an instrument you can play, and there is a drop called the Moor Cowbell for minstrels.
There’s quests in WoW about it, too. And Eric also plays WoW, from what I hear. Who knew that one throwaway sketch would would become a cultural icon… I didn’t know about the LotRO one. That’s pretty funny