EQ2: Shard of Fear

Went in, started, worked through and finished the Shard of Fear last night with an almost all-guild group. My son, who’s been to SoF many times but never finished, vowed never to again go with a pick-up group.

Just for fun, I ran Fraps in SoF and took the occasional short clip; here’s about a minute of various things in the zone. I wanted to edit the movies together in Cinellara under Linux, but I couldn’t find a decoder that would take me from a Fraps 4-encoded movie to a Quicktime-encoded movie for Cinellara. So I used the Windows Movie Maker that came with Vista. It was pretty good, actually.

Insanely fun zone; it’s great to revisit the old Plane of Fear and tear through it with a great group. I won a necklace that takes 5% of my life to give me 10% more damage to my special attacks and spells. Maybe I’ll finally start making parses!
Didn’t get my BOC axe. Maybe next time…

5 thoughts on “EQ2: Shard of Fear”

  1. Or you could go all Welsh and call it “Cardiff Pier”. I’ve never been to Wales, but I imagine it looking all bloody with fire and spiders.
    (Though actually, the new Doctor Who is filmed in Wales, so add bizarre aliens, psychopathic robots and inter-dimensional killing machines to the mix there. Shard of Fear looks positively restful in comparison.)

  2. Don’t get me started on this season’s Doctor Who. It’s so good I don’t shut up about it for 20 minutes.
    I haven’t made it to SoF yet as my Fury is still stuck at 60 (too many games, too many alts), but I’m hoping players will still run it after RoK comes out.
    BTW, great site redesign!

  3. @OneDruid — they’ve actually done something quite clever with the loot from the Shard of Fear — it’s often percentage based — do X% more damage, etc vs doing +10 damage — so it will actually get more powerful as you do. So people might run it fairly far into the RoK era whereas more traditional zones like Unrest will probably go empty without a loot/level upgrade. Legendary EoF armor probably won’t even be able to touch tier 7 mastercrafted.

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