I promise, this is the last screenshot of clothing I logged on tonight, scoured the broker for the rare hides and other stuff I’d need, and made some Tier 8 clothes.
The first is the level 80 dress — BLACK! Finally! It looks great… well, considering it looks like every other dress (except all black), maybe it’s not the most amazing thing in the world, but it matches my mask so I’m fine with it.
The Arasai in the middle is wearing the T8 mastercrafted gi. I’m not sure if tailors could make gis before RoK, but they can make a couple of them now.
The Arasai on the right, whom you might remember from the center picture, is wearing the mastercrafted woven leather armor. Very drab. I was hoping for something a little more distinctive… the T7 stuff looks far better than this.
If my sage gets copied over before beta ends, I’ll try and see if I can make the Adept III pets for my summoners, and see what slightly better pets might look like.
4 thoughts on “EQ2: Tier 8 Tailoring”
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The leather tunic looks just like the t3 pvp gear tunic. Can’t they come up with something new? hehe
It’s awesome that they are letting tailors make gis. Folks have beenc rying for that forever.
The Arasai is named Winterspring. I created her because I needed a brawler to model the gi… Creating alts is one of my big MMO weaknesses. I spent about fifteen minutes making her, with matching colors and all, went to Kunark, beta-buffed her to 80, got the armor I had made with Dina from the shared bank, and modeled it.
This morning, though, I just couldn’t say goodbye. So I arranged her combat abilities to match that of my 40 halfling bruiser, spent her AAs, and went out to cause trouble. And trouble was caused. I think I fell in love with her.
So tonight… I’m going to pay the Teren’s Grasp barber to let me get back to the character creation screen, save her character design, and recreate her on Befallen. Winterspring shall survive the character wipe