Kendricke over at Clockwork Gamer has also noted that the experience in Karnor’s Castle is seriously out of whack, even going so far as to advise his guild *not* to bother going there.
SOE, you have a real problem here. Don’t let all that beautiful zone design go to waste!
3 thoughts on “EQ2: Karnor’s Castle: It’s not only me.”
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Maybe I have finally discovered a blessing in disguise for my being months behind everyone in levels. By the time I’m high enough to go there it might be polished!
That would be nice. However, I suspect they are satisfied with the zone (I’ve seen Scott Hartsman say that they had already done some tuning on the RoK experience curve*), and will do nothing, and EQ2 Karnor’s will resemble (the current) EQ1 Karnor’s in yet another way — both empty of all players. It was empty in beta, too, aside from people ducking in for a couple of minutes to have a look at the place. At the time, I just thought people had betabuffed past it and I just soloed and explored in beta so I certainly didn’t get a chance to try it.
It’s just a castle in a snowglobe — a memento from years past, put there to bookmark the experience for old EQ1 players, and then put back on the shelf with the other curios.
* Well, actually, he said they tuned the 20-70 curve. /shrug.
Well, looks like you were right on the ball on this one Tipa.
“We’ve been keeping an eye on both the objective, globally recorded experience data from the first week of Kunark being live, as well as the subjective feedback regarding Kunark experience grants, through the many styles that people play.
Many of you have pointed out that the exp given from dungeonning feels too low. In the live environment, we agree that is the case. The data backs this up as well.
In making the reality more aligned with the overall goal, Kunark dungeon experience gains have just been boosted on all of the live servers. They will remain this way throughout the holiday weekend as we see how the new numbers work out.”
My only reservation on this is that it reads a little like ‘ok, so we’re giving you a bonus XP weekend for the dungeons’ but it does look like a move in the right direction.
Have a great holiday!