Slow Glass

Researches in Surrey, England, have discovered how to slow light down and trap it in glass. I was immediately reminded of a story by one of the great Irish science fiction writers, Bob Shaw, in his “Light of Other Days”; Slow Glass was glass that took months or years to pass light from one side to the other, and he crafted that idea into a short story of heartbreak and loss. has the entire short story here… I’ve loved it since the first time I read it.

3 thoughts on “Slow Glass”

  1. Tipa,
    I remember reading the story for the first time in an science-fiction oriented english class in high school in 1974 or 75….
    I was truly a poignant story that provided a nice counterpoint to the other kinds of stories we were reading in the class.
    I’ll have to hit the link this weekend and read through it again – thanks for the reminder!!

  2. Thank you for mentioning that story Tipa. I too read it many years ago but I had completely forgotten who wrote it. It really is a beautifully poignant piece of writing as well as being great Sci Fi.

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