Tomorrow: I must remember to bring the aqualung.

It’s been months since I bought the tickets, and I have to remember that tomorrow is December 1st, and the Jethro Tull concert down in Wallingford.
I keep forgetting. Must remember.
I hope they let me take my camera in.
Tull will be accompanied by the Calliandra String Quartet. That made me a little nervous — until I read this wonderful review of the show yesterday in Albany.
That’s pretty frickin’ amazing. They play yesterday, get reviewed, review goes up on the web site, so I know the show tomorrow is going to be fantastic.
I just hope I remember to GO!
Live Nation sent me a reminder to buy tickets to next April’s Avril Lavigne concert… hmmm… how much do I like “Sk8ter Boi”, anyway — in dollars?

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