EQ2: Not bad for an off night.

Last night was an off night — no official raiding — but when I got a raid invite the moment I logged in, well, who am I to say no?
Severilous was up, the Epic x2 dragon in the Kunzar Jungle I’d killed before playing Dera. What took a half dozen pulls and two full groups in Eternal Chaos took a group and a half and just two pulls with Clan of Shadows. Nice! I think some of the people in the raid were alts, too.
Why stop there? We moved to the Tunarian Throne Room, and got quite far in there until some random screwup messed up the timers and we faced starting over or doing something else. We got word that the Pumpkin Headed Horseman was up. The old EC raid leader, Madcap, was in our TTR raid to fill it out, and volunteered to come with us to kill PHH. We never killed him while we were both in EC, and I think that failure was one of the reasons he quit. So he had a score to settle, and I think it was paid off when we burned him down before he even had a chance to summon his first set of exploding pumpkins.
It *is* easier when everyone is 80…
That finished our official OFF night raiding. I joined a guild Maiden’s group, and we just tore through the place. Record time. It is SO DIFFERENT from the pickup groups I’ve had before. Drusella? She went DOWN. I pulled two upgrades out of that place — the picture at the top isn’t appearance armor; that’s actually what Dina wears. It matches enough now that I can drop the appearance stuff.
Danak shipyards has the armorcrafter who makes the new relic armor from Veeshan’s Peak. That stuff is SO NICE. I don’t like the mustard yellow look so much. but the stats are amazing. I guess we’ll need armor like that to survive in VP, so I expect us to be faming relic armor in VP for some time before we take on Trakanon in his lair.
(I always pronounce that TRAK-a-non. But I wonder…. tra-KAN-in sounds cooler…)
We went from there to the Vault of Eternal Sleep — another quck run, and yet another upgrade; bracers made for bards, and they replaced some fabled EoF bracers
The Fabled are still better in some ways, but the RoK armor shines in its extra effects. I think it’s fair to say that if you do a LOT of RoK instances, you will upgrade much of your EoF raid gear eventually, but the stuff lasted nearly two months so I wouldn’t say you would upgrade all your stuff in KP stepping off the boat, as some have claimed.
Blogger channel was jumping last night, with Stargrace on her fifty million characters, Ogrebears and his rat, and new blogger Taymar saying hello 🙂 As well as someone else I didn’t recognize. But that’s EQ2 for you — fun in game, fun chatting with friends. Maybe it’s something that only happens after three or more years, but I think EQ2 is finally forming a strong community with a sense of history.
I wonder if WoW is?

6 thoughts on “EQ2: Not bad for an off night.”

  1. Maybe one of these days, I’ll actually remember to join the blogger channel and say hello. Most days, I’m just not online for long enough to worry about it though. I think my play session last night lasted just about 15 minutes. Weekends are my play times these days and weekdays are just days I check brokers.

  2. Heh heh. I wish I had “off” nights like that, Tipa. As far as the WoW community goes, it’s hard to say. I went back to the game after a year hiatus. Being in a great guild tends to make me an isolationist when relating to the community at large. I tend to solo unless I’m playing with the guildies I’ve played with for the last 3+ years. For the most part, they’re all 18+ and seasoned gamers so my impressions wouldn’t be representative of the larger community or lack thereof.
    I still notice the usual idiocy in general chat and such. Also, I’d imagine just because of the sheer mainstream popularity of WoW, I’d be willing to bet the EQ2 community is a bit more balanced and mature.

  3. Congratulations on all the new pretties on your ‘off night’ .. as for myself.. I added yet another to the plethora of alts.. Just what I needed.. a baby dirge..

  4. @Luci — I started WoW on a new (at the time) RP server, Kirin Tor. Filled with amazing people and a good portion of dedicated roleplayers. It had a very strong community. But the server boards, a center for the RP community, predicted that would all end when they opened the server up to transfers. Turns out most of the older KT players were riding a wave of RP servers — they would all restart on the new server as it became available. Why? I found out when they opened the floodgates. Whole guilds moved over. These RPers moved their old uber characters over. The community died overnight, and not of natural causes. It was murdered. I tried to restart on another server but the magic that made WoW fun was gone.
    But I wonder, now that it is older and I’ve been away from the game for a year, if a permanent community has begun to set in. Does Blizzard still launch new servers?
    @Stargrace — a new dirge? Grats? Or sympathies?

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